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RAPID Slit Seal

Instant Self-closing Seal after Dispensing / Prevents sample vaporization

RAPID Slit Seal is a unique self-closing 96-well plate seal to minimize solvent evaporation and prevents needle clogging compared with conventional silicon mats. The adhesive-free, pre-cut slits made of silicone and PET allows easy insertion and withdrawal of pipette tips and sampling needles without catching and dragging. Acrylic-based adhesive is not above the wells to prevent sample leaching. Seal can be easily applied and removed. Suggested applications include automated pipetting and liquid handling, SPE, HPLC, LC/MS, cell culturing and ADME.


  • Self-closing after dispensing
  • Prevents needle clogging
  • Easy to insert pipette tips
  • Minimize solvent evaporation.
  • No adhesive on well spots
  • Working temperature range: -80oC to 100oC

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Difference from Silcon Mats

  • Pre-cut slits easily open by pipette.
  • PET layer reduces the friction of pipette tips and make it very smooth.
  • Lower cost than silicon mats.

The self-closing is ideal for preventing the solvent vaporization


Figure 1: airtightness against water (37 oC) Figure 2: airtightness against acetonitrile (4 oC)
                  Wight variation of water over time                   Weight variation of Acetonitrile over time

RAPID Slit Seal was evaluated the performance of airtightness by measuring the weight of plates over time for 22 hours. 150 µl of acetonitrile and water were dispensed to all wells. The plates were sealed with RAPID Slit Seal and stored at temperature of 4°C and 37°C., respeectively. As a control for complete closed system, aluminum foil seals were used to cover well plates at the same condition. Then, as a control for open system, plates without any cover seals were prepared as described conditions above. The results were presented in percentage of the decrease compared with time zero immediately after the sealing.

RAPID Slit Seal (RSS) Showed high airtightness to acetonitrile and water under the temperature of 4°C (Figure. 2) and 37°C (Figure. 1), respectively.

*  Place 150 µl solvent in 96-well plate (RAPID Tube Plate 600) for measurement


>> Slit Seal Evidence Sheet (PDF)


Material Silicon, PET
Operating Temperature -80oC - 100o
Size W 80 mm x L 122 mm  







  • For auto-samplers
  • To prevent the sample vaporization


Examples of compatible systems

  • Nano space (Shiseido)
  • Prominence (Shimadzu)
  • ACQUITY UPLC (Waters)
  • 1100, 1200, 1290 series (Agilent Technologies)

* The RAPID Slit Seal is used with auto-samplers in system above.

Instruction / FAQ

>> Instruction (PDF)
>> FAQ (The link will direct you to BioChromato site)


Benedicte Jørgenrud , Eline Skadberg , Julio de Carvalho Ponce , Håvard Furuhaugen , Thomas Berg
Journal of Pharmacological and Toxicological Methods. 24 October 2020, 106939
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Polymer. Volume 211, 21 December 2020, 123044 2020
Candice Z. Ulmer, Bianca Smith, Janet Thonkulpitak, Joshua Hardin, Uliana Danilenko, Tunde Frame, Po-Yung Cheng, and Hubert W. Vesper. 
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 Journal of Chromatography A.
Toth, C. A., Kuklenyik, Z., & Barr, J. R. (2019). 
In Functional Proteomics (pp. 295-311). Humana Press, New York, NY.
Berg, T., Eliassen, E., Jørgenrud, B., Kabashi, S., Petukhov, A., & Bogstrand, S. T. (2018). 
Journal of Clinical Laboratory Analysis, e22631.
Yasui, M., Hiroshima, M., Kozuka, J., Sako, Y., & Ueda, M. (2018). 
Nature Communications9(1), 3061.


>> Testimonials (The link will direct you to BioChromato site)

Ordering Information

Product Cat.No. PKG Size Price  
RAPID Slit Seal R80.120.00 100 sheets 424.00 Buy
RAPID Slit Seal R80.120.10 10 sheets 62.00 Buy
RAPID Slit Seal (Gamma-Sterilized) R80.120.10-S 10 sheets 77.00 Buy

This product is manufactured by BioChromato, Inc.
RAPID Slit Seal (Gamma-Sterilized) is terminally sterilized by gamma radiation.