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Cell Lysis Buffer

Cell Lysis Solution

Cell Lysis Buffer is designed for protein extraction, similar to RIPA Buffer, and is available in two forms: a ready-to-use type and a 10x concentrated type. The 10x concentrated type is packaged separately with SDS solution, which may adversely affect immunoprecipitation.

  • Available for protein extraction in the same way as RIPA Buffer
  • Does not include OPE/NPE (e.g., NP-40), substances regulated under REACH
  • Available in two forms

Product Detail

Product Name Cell Lysis Buffer Cell Lysis Buffer (10X)
Cat. No. 22352-04 22353-81
Concentrataion 1X (Ready to Use) 10X
Protease inhibitor Cocktail Not included Included
SDS Included Not included
(10x SDS solution is packed separately)


Protein extraction by using Cell Lysis Buffer or other company’s RIPA Buffer

CBB Staining

Protein was extracted from rat kidney by using this product or Company A’s RIPA Buffer, then subjected to electrophoresis, and CBB staining. The result shows protein extraction efficiency of this product is equal to that of Company A’s RIPA Buffer.


Sample ① Protein extracted by using this product (15 μg)
② Protein extracted by using Company A RIPA Buffer (15 μg)
③ Protein Ladder One Plus, Triple-color for SDS-PAGE (#19593-25)
SDS-PAGE Bullet PAGE Plus Precast Gel, 5-15%, 13wells (#21791-84) 400 V
Staining Bullet CBB Stain Lite (#21964)

 Western Blotting

Protein was extracted from mouse liver by using this product or Company A’s RIPA Buffer, then subjected to western blotting, and CBB stained. The results show that this product is applicable to western blotting, similar to Company A’s RIPA Buffer.



① Protein extracted by using this product
② Protein extracted by using Company A’s RIPA Buffer

[β-Actin] 7 µg
[PCNA]   7 µg
[EGFR]   28 µg

SDS-PAGE Bullet PAGE Plus Precast Gel, 5-15%, 13wells (#21791-84) 400 V
Transfer Bullet Semi-dry Transfer One (#15353-01) 25 V
Blocking Bullet Blocking One for Western Blotting (#13779)
Primary Antibody [β-Actin] β-Actin antibody (C4) (Santa Cruz #sc-47778) 1,000x diluted
[PCNA]   PCNA antibody (Novus #NB100-456) 1,000x diluted
[EGFR]   EGFR antibody (CST #4267) 2,000x diluted
Secondary Antibody [β-Actin] Anti-Mouse IgG HRP (#21860) 20,000x diluted
[PCNA]   Anti-Rabbit IgG HRP (#21858) 20,000x diluted
[EGFR]   Anti-Rabbit IgG HRP (#21858) 20,000x diluted
Detection Chemi-Lumi One Super (#02230)

Application 1

Phosphorylated protein detection by using extracts from Cell Lysis Buffer

Protein was extracted from Protein Kinase C (PKC)-activated HEK293 cells by using this product, and ERK and pERK were detected by Western blotting.


Sample ① Protein extracted from the HEK293 cell (Control)
② Protein extracted from PKC-activated HEK293 cells
SDS-PAGE Bullet PAGE Plus Precast Gel, 5-15%, 13wells (#21791-84) 400 V
Transfer Bullet Semi-dry Transfer One (#15353-01) 25 V
Blocking Bullet Blocking One for Western Blotting (#13779)
Primary Antibody [ERK]   ERK antibody (Santa Cruz #sc-514302) 2,000x diluted
[pERK] pERK antibody (CST #4370S) 2,000x diluted
Secondary Antibody [ERK]   Anti-Mouse IgG HRP (#21860) 20,000x diluted
[pERK] Anti-Rabbit IgG HRP (#21858) 20,000x diluted
Detection Chemi-Lumi One Super (#02230)

Application 2

Protein extraction by using Cell Lysis Buffer (10x)

CBB Staining

Protein was extracted from various mouse organs by using this product with SDS, subject to electrophoresis and CBB staining.



①,⑦ Protein Ladder One Plus, Triple-color for SDS-PAGE (#19593-25)
② Protein extracted from brain (12 μg)
③ Protein extracted from heart (12 μg)
④ Protein extracted from liver (12 μg)
⑤ Protein extracted from kidney (12 μg)
⑥ Protein extracted from stomach (12 μg)

SDS-PAGE Bullet PAGE Plus Precast Gel, 5-15%, 13wells (#21791-84) 400 V
Stain Bullet CBB Stain Lite (#21964)


Protein was extracted from GFP-expressing HEK293 cells using this product without SDS and immunoprecipitated using rat anti-GFP antibody-conjugated agarose beads. GFP was detected by Western blotting of the samples before and after immunoprecipitation. GFP in the samples before and after immunoprecipitation was detected by Western blotting.



① Sample before immunoprecipitation (3 μL)
② Sample after immunoprecipitation (3 μL)

SDS-PAGE Bullet PAGE Plus Precast Gel, 5-15%, 13wells (#21791-84) 400 V
Transfer Bullet Semi-dry Transfer One (#15353-01) 25 V
Blocking Bullet Blocking One for Western Blotting (#13779)
Primary Antibody Anti-GFP (Mouse IgG1-κ) (#04363) 5,000x diluted
Secondary Antibody Anti-Mouse IgG HRP (#21860) 20,000x diluted
Detection Chemi-Lumi One Super (#02230)

Ordering Information

Product Storage Cat.No. PKG Size Price  
Cell Lysis Buffer (10X) -20 °C 22353-81 1 set 136.00
Cell Lysis Buffer 4 °C 22352-04 100 ml 97.00
Related Products
Product Storage Cat.No. PKG Size Price  
RIPA Buffer (10X) -20 °C 08714-04 1 set 136.00
RIPA Buffer 4 °C 16488-34 100 ml 97.00