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COSMOSIL SFC Column Series

Supercritical Fluid Chromatography (SFC) has become more attractive because it offers some advantages over HPLC, such as high speed, unique selectivity and environmentally friendly separations. Many conventional normal-phase stationary phases, such as diol, amino and cyano, have been used for SFC applications. However, these phases present limitations for separations. COSMOSIL SFC Columns have been developed to enhance the capability of SFC separations. Column Image


  • Three categories (I–III) of stationary phase for different types of compounds
  • Different selectivity from HPLC

>> Read our paper in Molecules (open access)

Product Information

Category I: Columns for mid- to high-polarity compounds

For these compounds, a high-polarity stationary phase is suitable. More polar compounds are retained longer.

Product Stationary phase Features
COSMOSIL PY Pyridinyl Similar selectivity to 2-ethylpyridine; strong retention in general.
COSMOSIL HP 3-Hydroxyphenyl Different selectivity from PY; strong retention for basic compounds.
COSMOSIL Diol Diol Less effect from ionic interaction.


Category II: Columns for low-polarity compounds

For these compounds, a low-polarity stationary phase is suitable.

Product Stationary phase Features
COSMOSIL Cholester Cholesteryl Longer retention and better separation than C18.


Category III: Columns for SFC-specific separations

In supercritical fluid chromatography (SFC), secondary interactions such as π-π and dispersion force* are stronger compared to high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). As a result, these columns are capable of unique separations in SFC.

Product Stationary phase Features
COSMOSIL πMAX Pyrenylethyl Stronger π-π interactions than phenyl columns.
COSMOSIL PBr Pentabromobenzyl Unique separations using dispersion force.*

* Dispersion force:
London dispersion force is a weak intermolecular force that results from dipoles temporarily induced from random unsymmetrical electron positions in two adjacent atoms, also known as "instantaneous dipole-induced dipole force". It is present in all molecules, regardless of whether they are polar or non-polar. Compounds with high polarizability have stronger dispersion force.

Packing Material Properties

Packing materialPYHPDiolCholesterπMAXPBr
Silica gel High-purity porous spherical silica
Average particle size 3, 5 µm 5 µm 5 µm 5 µm 5 µm
Average pore size  120Å
Stationary phase  PY-kouzousiki.png      paiMAX-kouzousiki.jpg  
Pyridinyl 3-Hydroxyphenyl Diol Cholesteryl Pyrenylethyl Pentabromobenzyl
Endcapping treatment Near-Perfect Treatment
For information on pricing of COSMOSIL Cholester and PBr, please visit the following website;

Selection by Polarity

Derivatives of xanthine (high-polarity compounds) XLogP3: -0.8 – 0.0

Category I columns (COSMOSIL 5PY, 5HP, 5Diol) and COSMOSIL 5πMAX separated the sample well. The elution order with COSMOSIL 5πMAX was different than the category I columns.

Column Size 4.6 mmI.D. x 250 mm
Mobile Phase A: CO2    B: Methanol    B conc. 10% (πMAX only: 20%)
Flow Rate 3.0 ml/min
BPR 10 MPa
Temperature 40 oC
Detection UV 273 nm
1. Caffeine (0.10 mg/mL)
2. Theophylline (0.10 mg/mL)
3. Theobromine (0.09 mg/mL)
Inj. Vol.
5.0 µl
Positional isomers (mid-polarity compounds) XLogP3: 1.4 – 1.9
Category I columns (COSMOSIL 5PY, 5HP, 5Diol) yielded the best separation.

Column Size 4.6 mmI.D. x 250 mm
Mobile Phase A: CO2    B: Methanol    B conc. 5%
Flow Rate 3.0 ml/min
BPR 10 MPa
Temperature 40 oC
Detection UV 254 nm
1. o-Hydroxyacetophenone (0.1 mg/mL)
2. m-Hydroxyacetophenone (0.1 mg/mL)
3. p-Hydroxyacetophenone (0.1 mg/mL)
Inj. Vol.
5.0 µl
Positional isomers (low-polarity compounds) XLogP3: 5.8 – 6.0

Category III (COSMOSIL 5πMAX, 5PBr) and category II (5Cholester) columns separated most effectively.

Column Size 4.6 mmI.D. x 250 mm
Mobile Phase A: CO2    B: Methanol    B conc. 5% (PBr only: 15%)
Flow Rate 3.0 ml/min
BPR 10 MPa
Temperature 40 oC
Detection UV 254 nm
1. o-Terphenyl(0.1 mg/mL)
2. m-Terphenyl(0.1 mg/mL)
3. p-Terphenyl(0.1 mg/mL)
Inj. Vol.
5.0 µl

Column Comparison Data

Column Size
2.1 mmI.D. x 150 mm
Mobile Phase
A: CO2    B: 0.1% CH3COONH4 -Methanol    
B conc. 0→60% (0–14 min), 60% (14–17 min)
Flow Rate
0.8 ml/min
10 MPa
40 oC
UV 250 nm
Amitriptyline (1 mmol/l)
Inj. Vol.
2.0 µl
 Data courtesy of Kyushu University Medical Institute of Bioregulation Research Center for Transomics Medicine Division of Metabolomics
Column Size 2.1 mmI.D. x 150 mm
Mobile Phase A: CO2    B: 0.1% CH3COONH4 -Methanol
B conc. 0→60% (0–14 min), 60% (14–17 min)
Flow Rate 0.8 ml/min
BPR 10 MPa
Temperature 40 oC
Detection UV 260 nm
Sample Reserpin (1 mmol/l)
Inj. Vol. 2.0 µl
 Data courtesy of Kyushu University Medical Institute of Bioregulation Research Center for Transomics Medicine Division of Metabolomics
3-Aminobenzoic Acid
Column Size
2.1 mmI.D. x 150 mm
Mobile Phase
A: CO2    B: 0.1% CH3COONH4 -Methanol
B conc. 0→60% (0–14 min), 60% (14–17 min)
Flow Rate
0.8 ml/min
10 MPa
40 oC
UV 250 nm
3-Aminobenzoic Acid (10 mmol/l)
Inj. Vol.
2.0 µl
 Data courtesy of Kyushu University Medical Institute of Bioregulation Research Center for Transomics Medicine Division of Metabolomics
Benzoic Acid
Column Size
2.1 mmI.D. x 150 mm
Mobile Phase
A: CO2    B: 0.1% CH3COONH4 -Methanol
B conc. 0→60% (0–14 min), 60% (14–17 min)
Flow Rate
0.8 ml/min
10 MPa
40 oC
UV 230 nm
Benzoic Acid (10 mmol/l)
Inj. Vol.
2.0 µl
Data courtesy of Kyushu University Medical Institute of Bioregulation Research Center for Transomics Medicine Division of Metabolomics

Comparison of Retention Behavior

The following three stationary phases were evaluated for their retention of hydrophilic, hydrophobic, acidic and basic compounds. COSMOSIL HP and PY elute hydrophobic compounds first and retain hydrophilic compounds longer, whereas PBr elutes in the reverse order, exhibiting high retention for hydrophobic compounds. HP had the longest retention for basic compounds.

Column size: 4.6 mmI.D. x 150 mm
Mobile phase:   A: CO2
B: 0.1% CH3COONH4 - Methanol
B conc. 0→50% (0→14min), 50% (14-17min)
Flow rate: 0.8 ml/min
BPR 10 MPa
Temperature: 40°C
Detection: ESI-MS/MS, MRM

(No.1)  Uridine
(No.2)  3’ ,5’ -Dibenzyloxyacetophenone
(No.3)  4-Ethylbenzenesulfonic Acid
(No.4)  Benzyltrimethylammonium

Sample conc. 8 µmol/l
Inj. Vol 2.0 µl


Vitamin D

COSMOSIL 5πMAX and 5PBr were able to separate the vitamins. The PFP (pentafluorophenyl) column, which also uses a halogenated stationary phase, could not separate them. The dispersion force used by PBr interacts more strongly with larger molecules. PFP, which is a smaller molecule, does not exhibit this selectivity.

Column Size
4.6 mmI.D. x 250 mm
Mobile Phase
A: CO2    B: Methanol    B conc. **%
Flow Rate
3.0 ml/min
10 MPa
40 oC
UV 265 nm
1. Vitamin D3 (0.6 mg/mL)
2. Vitamin D2 (0.6 mg/mL)
Inj. Vol.
3.0 µl
Vitamin D2/D3

Column Size
4.6 mmI.D. x 150 mm
Mobile Phase
60% CO2: 40% MeOH in 5 min
Flow Rate
3.0 ml/min
160 bar
25 oC
UV 265 nm
Inj. Vol.
2.0 µl

Data courtesy of Pfizer Inc. La Jolla, California



 COSMOSIL 5Diol separated 5 nucleic acid bases.


Column Size
4.6 mmI.D. x 250 mm
Mobile Phase
A: CO2    B: 100mmol/l Ammounium Acetate-Methanol    B conc. **%
Flow Rate
3.0 ml/min
10 MPa
40 oC
UV 260 nm
1. Thymine (0.2 mg/ml) 
2. Uracil (0.2 mg/ml) 
3. Adenine (0.2 mg/ml)
4. Cytosine (0.2 mg/ml)
5. Guanine (0.2 mg/ml)
Inj. Vol.
5.0 µl


These polystyrene samples with different degrees of polymerization are likely separated by number of monomer units. COSMOSIL 5πMAX and 5PBr were able to separate the high-MW polystyrene.

Column Size
4.6 mmI.D. x 250 mm
Mobile Phase
A: CO2    B: tetrahydrpfuran    B conc. *→*% 10min Linear gradient
Flow Rate
3.0 ml/min
10 MPa
40 oC
UV 220 nm
Polystyrene, MW906 (5.0 mg/mL)
Polystyrene, MW2200 (5.0 mg/mL)
Inj. Vol.
5.0 µl
Polyaromatic Compounds
Fat-Soluble Vitamins
COSMOSIL Cholester exhibits strong retention for fat-soluble vitamins and is suitable for on-line SFE-SFC using Shimadzu’s Nexera UC. The on-line extraction from food also produced triglyceride impurities, which were successfully separated from the vitamins.
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

Column size: 4.6 mmI.D. x 150 mm
Mobile phase: Carbon Dioxide : Methanol
Gradient: 95:5 to 65:35 over 6 minutes
Flow rate: 5.0 ml/min
Temperature: 30°C
Detection: UV230nm
Sample: 1: Ibuprofen
2: Fenoprofen
3: Flurbiprofen
4: Ketoprofen
5: Indoprofen
Beta Blockers
Peak elution order reversal under identical Conditions

Column size: 4.6 mmI.D. x 150 mm
Mobile phase: Carbon Dioxide : Methanol w/20mM ammonium formate
Gradient: 95:5 to 50:50 over 4 minutes
Flow rate: 5.0 ml/min
Temperature: 30°C
Detection: APCI(+)
Sample: 1. Pindolol
2. Atenolol
Hydrophilic Organics 

Applications -2

Polyethylene Glycols (PEGs)


Methyl Mandelate


Polyaromatic Compounds






Brochure COSMOSIL SFC Columns pdf (1.2 MB)
Technical Guide COSMOSIL SFC Technical Guide pdf (1 MB)
Research into the Retention Mechanism of SFC
(Poster from SFC Asia 2017, Osaka, Japan) 
Development of novel stationary phases for Supercritical Fluid Chromatography (SFC) (Poster from HPLC 2011, Budapest, Hungary)

COSMOSIL Application Search

COSMOSIL Application, which includes more than 7,700 applications using COSMOSIL/COSMOCORE columns, is now usable by clicking the link below which is in Nacalai Tesque, Inc. The application is searchable by sample category, sample name, CAS No., column name and particle size

Ordering Information

Product Cat.No. PKG Size Price  
COSMOSIL 3πMAX Packed Column (2.1 mmI.D. x 150 mm) 19596-11 1 pkg 1,049.00 Buy
COSMOSIL 3πMAX Packed Column (4.6 mmI.D. x 250 mm) Inquiry 1 pkg - Inquire
COSMOSIL 5πMAX Packed Column (2.1 mmI.D. x 150 mm) 18696-31 1 pkg 1,006.00 Buy
COSMOSIL 5πMAX Packed Column (4.6 mmI.D. x 250 mm) 18372-61 1 pkg 1,006.00 Buy
COSMOSIL 5πMAX Guard Column (10.0 mmI.D. x 20 mm) 18867-91 1 pkg 1,434.00 Buy
COSMOSIL 5πMAX Packed Column (10.0 mmI.D. x 250 mm) 18679-61 1 pkg 2,547.00 Buy
COSMOSIL 5πMAX Packed Column (20.0 mmI.D. x 250 mm) 19587-31 1 pkg 5,918.00 Buy
Product Cat.No. PKG Size Price  
COSMOSIL 3Diol Packed Column (2.1 mmI.D. x 150 mm) 21567-21 1 pkg 1,092.00 Buy
COSMOSIL 5Diol Packed Column (2.1 mmI.D. x 150 mm) 18253-21 1 pkg 1,006.00 Buy
COSMOSIL 5Diol Packed Column (4.6 mmI.D. x 250 mm) 18252-31 1 pkg 1,006.00 Buy
COSMOSIL 5Diol Packed Column (10.0 mmI.D. x 250 mm) 18678-71 1 pkg 2,344.00 Buy
COSMOSIL 5Diol Packed Column (20.0 mmI.D. x 250 mm) 18869-71 1 pkg - Inquire
COSMOSIL HP (3-Hydroxyphenyl)
Product Cat.No. PKG Size Price  
COSMOSIL 3HP Packed Column (2.1 mm I.D. x 150 mm) 13559-81 1 pkg 889.00 Buy
COSMOSIL 3HP Packed Column (4.6 mm I.D. x 250 mm) 13560-41 1 pkg 942.00 Buy
COSMOSIL 5HP Packed Column (2.1 mm I.D. x 150 mm) 13845-21 1 pkg 782.00 Buy
COSMOSIL 5HP Packed Column (4.6 mm I.D. x 100 mm) 13971-61 1 pkg 656.00 Buy
COSMOSIL 5HP Packed Column (4.6 mm I.D. x 150 mm) 13972-51 1 pkg 656.00 Buy
COSMOSIL 5HP Packed Column (4.6 mm I.D. x 250 mm) 13854-01 1 pkg 835.00 Buy
COSMOSIL 5HP Guard Column (10.0 mm I.D. x 20 mm) 13777-21 1 pkg 1,252.00 Buy
COSMOSIL 5HP Packed Column (10.0 mm I.D. x 150 mm) 13973-41 1 pkg 1,424.00 Buy
COSMOSIL 5HP Packed Column (10.0 mm I.D. x 250 mm) 13776-31 1 pkg 1,922.00 Buy
COSMOSIL 5HP Packed Column (20.0 mm I.D. x 150 mm) 13855-91 1 pkg 5,136.00 Buy
COSMOSIL 5HP Packed Column (20.0 mm I.D. x 250 mm) 13778-11 1 pkg 6,848.00 Buy
COSMOSIL PY (Pyridinyl)
Product Cat.No. PKG Size Price  
COSMOSIL 3PY Packed Column (2.1 mmI.D. x 150 mm) 13557-01 1 pkg 889.00 Buy
COSMOSIL 3PY Packed Column (4.6 mmI.D. x 250 mm) 13558-91 1 pkg 942.00 Buy
COSMOSIL 5PY Packed Column (2.1 mmI.D. x 150 mm) 13844-31 1 pkg 717.00 Buy
COSMOSIL 5PY Packed Column (4.6 mmI.D. x 100 mm) 13974-31 1 pkg 656.00 Buy
COSMOSIL 5PY Packed Column (4.6 mmI.D. x 150 mm) 13975-21 1 pkg 2,758.00 Buy
COSMOSIL 5PY Packed Column (4.6 mmI.D. x 250 mm) 13846-11 1 pkg 696.00 Buy
COSMOSIL 5PY Guard Column (10.0 mmI.D. x 20 mm) 13781-51 1 pkg 1,252.00 Buy
COSMOSIL 5PY Packed Column (10.0 mmI.D. x 150 mm) 13976-11 1 pkg 1,421.00 Buy
COSMOSIL 5PY Packed Column (10.0 mmI.D. x 250 mm) 13780-61 1 pkg 1,922.00 Buy
COSMOSIL 5PY Packed Column (20.0 mmI.D. x 150 mm) 13977-01 1 pkg 3,343.00 Buy
COSMOSIL 5PY Packed Column (20.0 mmI.D. x 250 mm) 13782-41 1 pkg 4,429.00 Buy